My Public Facebook Apology Rant
On my 21st birthday, I recieved a 6 page handwritten letter from my father telling me that my overly liberal Facebook posts were offensive to him and my mother, the police force, the military, and the church. He later called me and lectured me on my immorality further, and didn't stop, even at the sound of my tears. He and my mother dropped my gift and car off at my college house, uninvited, barely said a word to me, without making eye contact, then left. My father gave me an awkward side hug, but only after my mother was out of sight, in fear she might see him coddling their heathen child. My response to the hatered and intolerance cannot even begin to describe the abandonement and saddness they made me feel that day, or the gaping hole they left by revoking the most basic human need, unconditional love from a parent. Without further introduction, my most epic Facebook status.
I was recently informed that my posts are offensive to people, and by people I mean the one's who actually are defending hate speech so that they don't have to incorporate anything that conflicts their own agenda into their lives. So first, I would like to publicly apologize for exploiting a woman who denied a couple their human right, and broke a federal law in the name of her religion, for defacing the multi- billionaire and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for his racist and inhumane remarks towards the Latino Community. Also I'm sorry that I found it troubling that Dylan Roof shot 9 innocent people in a church and walked out alive, and Trayvon Martin was shot dead for "suspicious behavior" on the spot. I am on my knees copping a plea for being a feminist, because advocating for the political, economic, and social equality of people is absolutely absurd, and I definitely need a patriarch to come put me back in my place aka the kitchen where I should be submissive and make ALL THE SANDWICHES! I'm sorry to anyone who is exposed to my presence, because I lack a moral compass due to my lack of religious affiliation, you should probably keep a safe distance so I don't spontaneously go on a killing spree, because I couldn't possibly know better without someone preaching at me in a suit every Sunday morning telling me thou shall not kill. Also I'm sorry to the old lady behind me in line at Walgreens who was offended by my crop top and shorts, I wasn't aware that my clothing had such an affect on your life, let me go slip into something more "I'm not asking to be raped" looking. Also, I'm sorry to the guy that cat called me last night, that I turned around and lectured about rape culture, I know he probably just couldn't control himself, and felt ever so inclined to tell me how nice my ass looked in my shorts, I might not have ever known without his positive reinforcement strategies. I guess what I'm saying is sorry, that I'm not sorry for being Chloe, and I don't need people in my life that think that being Chloe is something to be ashamed of. Please go drink your Haterade elsewhere.