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Progress isn't Completion: Why Society is Buffering

Okay, so I understand that we live in a progressive age and all where a lot of people are all cambia with the LGBTQ Community, people don’t own slaves, our schools aren’t segregated, well legally that is, and no one really gives a shit that you don’t attend church every Sunday (unless you’re one of those people who do attend church every Sunday), and women are kicking more ass than ever before. All this being said, it is easy for us to forget that one, our country is still a very young one, and two that inequality and oppression are still very alive in our society. When people make comments like, Christianity isn’t the dominant religion anymore, or that women have the same professions and rights as men, that LGBTQ members have the right to marry, and especially that racism is over because hello we have a Black president, my skin crawls. Just because something has been written into law, the status quo of attitudes held by members in society don’t suddenly change, as wonderful as that would absolutely be, actually, quite the opposite happens as immediate result, because people feel as though something of theirs has been compromised, that they’re not being considered because someone else’s preferences don’t match their own, which in itself is ironic, but you don’t have to tell Kim Davis that twice. In society, there exists a republic, which is basically how everything goes down with the majority, what the social, political, and economic sphere revolve around and statistically reflect to be true for an extended period of time. As I have said before and will say until the day not a single person of color is profiled, a single woman isn’t being raped by a man, when bathrooms and everything else aren’t broken down by a gender binary, and when people stop having to distinguish Steve as their “gay friend”, the republic consists of predominantly white, heterosexual, cisgender, males, that identify as some branch of Christianity. This being said, not every person that possesses these traits is automatically a racist, sexist, homophobe, or religiously intolerant, by any means at all, I know plenty of wonderful male feminists and hetero allies to the LGBTQ community, but this does not automatically revoke you of the privilege possessed at birth by this group. Those who deny the republic they have been born into due to beliefs that intercept the traditional way of living and thinking exist within the counter republic. So yes, even though you’re cool with your gay coworkers, and you didn’t call a black person the N word once this week, you’re still winning compared to the rest of us because of what privilege society has allotted you over the course of history. AND NO PLEASE GOD NO, no one is attacking you and reverse racisming you because you’re straight and white, we are merely just stating the obvious privilege you have when viewed by society, that others do not. I am a white, heterosexual, cisgender, atheist, female, and guess what, I know that I have got way more privilege than any Latino or Black girl has, merely due to how society at large perceives me, based on the color of my skin. Does that make me wrong? Absolutely not, that makes society wrong, and I’m not here to point anymore fingers, Jesus Christ, we’ve been doing that for literally hundreds of years. I’m here to take a responsibility, a responsibility every HUMAN should take, even if you’re fucking purple with orange hair and like to hump microwaves, and your ass is on front and you’re flat like Ken in the back. You’re responsibility isn’t to people of your own “kind” or community, it’s to humanity, and it’s to the future. I’ve had enough of this “Well I didn’t own any slaves” mentality as a copout to not give a shit about racial oppression. I have had enough people saying “Say what you want about cops, when you’re in trouble your ass will be dialing 911” actually, that’s not people saying that, that’s white people saying that, because they know if cops show up they’re not going to get their ass beat for no good reason. And if you’re a man bitching about the double standard because Debbie in accounting undressed you with her eyes last Tuesday at the faculty meeting, did you actually feel like your safety was threatened by her if you were to be alone in the parking lot with her at night? Did you have to ask a friend to walk you to your car just incase? I’m going to suppose not, checkmate. And that doesn’t mean that the .01% of rapes women perform on men don’t matter, all lives matter, but right now we’re trying to focus on the huge dents in society, because the individual dings that unfortunately happen, aren’t shaping the systems we function in as a whole. The rare cases where a marginalized group threatens the rights of the privileged, are almost always handled immediately, because well, you’re just privileged like that. All lives past, present, and future, are equally important, and by not wanting our society to reflect that, makes you kind of an asshole. So please, next time you find yourself complaining that we are being overly sensitive to a less privileged group or individual, think about why no one has to be sensitive to you, and spoiler alert, it’s not because the rest of us are spineless pussies, it's just that we're sick and tired of carrying the world’s shit for the past few centuries. So instead of wasting your time and breath bitching about how unfair it is that god forbid you be politically correct at least in public, why don't you ask yourself why someone still has to remind you, as a grown as hell adult, that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

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